Serendipity's Teach Me Tarot
Do You Have Interest In Learning Tarot?
Available Now! Serendipity's Teach Me Tarot Rider Waite Learning Deck!
You can use it as a study aid, reference guide or in your tarot readings on self, family, friends and/or in your practice.
In application, the cards are meant to give you different interpretations in upright and reverse; for additional insight and perspective on the situation.
Ways To Use These Tarot Cards:
Ways To Use These Tarot Cards:
- As Reference Cards
- Flashcards / Study Aid
- Tarot Readings
Serendipity Tarot also presents a "Teach Me Tarot" course for those who:
Want an easy, quick way to learn the meaning of the tarot cards
Desire to further their learning of Tarot for self, business, spiritual growth
Who are interested in establishing their own Youtube Channel Platform and/or Tarot Business
Watch the Teach Me Tarot Course Trailer here!
🛍️SPECIAL PROMOTION – EMAIL ME FOR PROMO CODE w/ confirmation of purchase:
If purchase the TEACH ME TAROT course – get 50% of the Deck of cards!
If purchase the TEACH ME TAROT deck – get 30% off the Tarot Course!

The course will be provided in the following format for individual learning:
- A Pre-recorded Instructional webinar
- Download and watch unlimited # of times
- **Option to Buy** Serendipity's Teach Me Tarot Card Deck 50% off!

The course will:
- Explain the meaning of each tarot card - Upright and Reversals
- Provide brief history of tarot and symbolism
- Demonstration of how to apply tarot to do readings on yourself and/or others
If interested in " Teach Me Tarot" course, join my mailing list here